Sanjay Mone
Sanjay Mone is a veteran Marathiactor, dialoogue writerand script writer. has also writer and script writer. He has also written many plays and regularly writes in the newspaper. He worked in a number of TV serials, plays and films.
2 Found for "Sanjay Mone"
1. As per Laymen what is the difference between movie, series & drama? 2. What guidance would you give to budding writers? 3. Is there any practical training for budding writers or those interested in writing? 4. Who is a budding writer, should he take practical training for a few days under any senior writer or should he start training on his own? 5. Wh... Read More
1. How does someone come to know that I am an actor or an actress? 2. Is there any education required before entering the acting field? 3. What are the career opportunities in acting? 4. Personal advice to newcomers in this field. Read More