Padma Shri Dr. T. P. Lahane
He is an award-winning eye surgeon and ophthalmologist. He has set a world record of conducting more than 162,000 cataract surgeries for which he was rewarded with the prestigious Padma Shri award. He started his journey working as an Ophthalmologist in a Government hospital. He was appointed as a dean of the department of ophthalmology at J. J. Hospital. He played a major role in modernizing the ophthalmology department of JJ Hospital. He was assigned as the program leader of Cataract Free Maharashtra project. As an ophthalmologist he had arranged many cataract camps in India.
4 Found for "Padma Shri Dr. T. P. Lahane"
1. What should parents and students consider when choosing this field? 2. What would you say about better education abroad than here in India? 3. What things need to be considered before studying to become a doctor? 4. How should a budding doctor decide whether to start his own practice soon or work in a government hospital? 5. If a clinic is opened in a... Read More
1. Are there different segments to become a surgeon? 2. If even a small illness goes away, a person searches for information through WhatsApp messages or Google and self-treats, what do you say? 3. What would you say about the fact that there are more facilities in private hospitals and less in government hospitals? Read More
1. What do you think about the doctor's perspective? Eyes speak a lot. 2. Explained about how to take care of eyes from childhood only. 3. Why do you need Lenses and what is the reason for it? 4. Is there a diet or treatment to reduce the number of lenses? 5. Can you give any inspiration about eye donation? Read More
1. Explained in detail about cataracts. 2. What can be done to prevent cataracts? 3. How to recognize cataracts and how to treat them? 4. Cataracts cause blindness but what else causes blindness other than cataracts? 5. Is there any facility or scheme for eye disease? Read More