Manish Advilkar
He is a fitness trainer and a bodybuilder. He was awarded many prestigious awards. He has trained many popular Bollywood actors. Apart from that he has also trained more than hundreds of national level bodybuilders and sports players. He is also considered as one of the fitness icons for youth and many bodybuilders. He has started his own supplement chain called M.A.S.S. – Manish Advilkar Supplement Store.
3 Found for "Manish Advilkar"
1. Can bodybuilding be a career? 2. How useful is having a bodybuilding trainer? 3. What is the importance of diet in bodybuilding? 4. What other types of exercises can be done along with weight training exercises? 5. What are the requirements to become a bodybuilder? 6. What are the pros and cons of bodybuilding supplements? 7. Should you consult a do... Read More
1. How should a trainer groom himself? 2. What are the things any trainer needs along with certification? 3. What about exercise injuries? 4. What are the food options available for vegetarian bodybuilders? 5. What do you think about taking steroids? Read More
1. Explained, that having six-pack abs is the dream of every youth in today's youth generation. 2. Informed, about a diet that varies from person to person. 3. What about the fasting solution? 4. How to follow the diet in daily life? 5. Explained about Junk Food. Read More