Hon. Subash Desai

He is a renowned politician. From 1990 to 2009 he has been a part of Maharashtra Legislative Assembly. In year 2014 he was appointed as Cabinet Minister of Industries under Maharashtra state government. In year 2019 he was appointed as minister of industries, mining and Marathi language. He is the deputy leader of the house of the Maharashtra Legislative council.

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1. What job opportunities are provided by the government for the youth? 2. How the market was made available to the small entrepreneurs in the villages? 3. What advice would you give to the Young generation? 4. Why investors should invest in Maharashtra? Read More


1. What facilities are available to small entrepreneurs by the government? 2. Explained about Small Scale Business and Listing Platform. 3. Information about Maitri Sanstha 4. What are the benefits of partnering with foreign companies? 5. What advice would you give to entrepreneurs? Read More