Dr. Deepali Ajinkya
She is a Physician, Psychotherapist and Clinical Hypnotherapist. She is providing health care and guidance to patients across the world for more than a decade. She has studied M.B.B.S., DPH, MD (AM), AFIH, PGDHHM, PGDMLS, CHt, M.Sc. (Psychotherapy). She has received an Industrial Health fellowship (AFIH) from CLI India. She has been awarded for her work by various renowned organizations. She is the director of Master Your Mind (MYM) Centre for Clinical Hypnosis, where Clinical Hypnotherapy Courses are conducted by professionals. She has been practicing Clinical Hypnotherapy to help her patients who are dealing with various Psychological and Psychosomatic disorders.
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1. What are the symptoms of mental illness? 2. Can mental illness be hidden even in something that seems normal to us? 3. What about the misconception that people who seek counseling are crazy? 4. How to recognize if a person is suffering from mental illness? 5. Can mental illness lead to physical illness? 6. Why is counseling necessary after trauma? 7... Read More
1. Explained in detail what is psychology. 2. What education is required to enter the field of psychology? 3. What should be the first step after graduation in psychology or psychiatry? 4. Why are medications sometimes prescribed for mental illness? 5. Does psychiatry also include the study of hypnotherapy? 6. What exactly is hypnotherapy? 7. With the... Read More