Anil Mhatre
He is the financial advisor and CEO of Monetonic Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. It is a mutual fund distribution company, with the objective to help investor reach their goals and desire by leveraging on financial technology. With over 20 years of experience in finance service their mission is to provide latest technology services to investors. Their aim to be recognized as a leading distribution firm.
3 Found for "Anil Mhatre"
1. Explained about mutual funds. 2. How to identify a financial advisor? 3. How to identify a fake financial advisor? 4. Are there any rules of thumb for investing that should be followed for each age group? 5. Explained investment in the share market. 6. Investment in real estate, gold and share market Read More
1. Qualification required to become a Mutual Fund Dealer. 2. Are there any technicalities, required to attempt any exam in this field? 3. Is there a future as a Mutual Funds Advisor & Distributor? 4. Special guidance to the young generation. 5. Information about target orientation and age criteria. Read More
1. Definition of mutual fund in a simple language. 2. How do mutual funds work? 3. Explained mutual funds are subject to risk factors. 4. Types of investment in mutual funds I.e. (Lumpsum & SIP). Read More