Title: Prateeksha Gaikwad - Career in Sport
Description: 1. In this episode, Prateeksha Gaikwad offers advice on how parents can recognize their kids' sporting skills and how they can further support them. 2. She also discusses when it’s the ideal time for female to begin their sporting careers. 3. How to find the best coaches for training? 4. How much preparation time does it take to compete at the state level? 5. What is the selection process for playing in a government association? 6 .Also, she has discussed that players frequently disregard academics 7. The age restriction for athletes who wish to work. 8. The ability for them to work elsewhere, and they can transition to a different sport if they don't succeed. 9. She has also provided advice on how to avoid injuries and difficulties females have to face who aspire to make a career in this field.